December Fireside Chat

Dec 6, 2023: How can we ensure responsible management of our territory?

Guest Speaker: Councillor Nathalie Bélisle

Key Outcome: This fireside chat focused on what “sustainable development” means. As a result, we are better prepared to explore the three spheres of sustainable development: social, economic and environmental. In doing so, we can begin to shape sustainable solutions in Cantley, for us and future generations.

Topics of Discussion:

1. Recent environmental and sustainable development conferences.

Councillor Bélisle shared her experiences at two conferences hosted by CREDDO:

Rendez-vous de la biodiversité en Outaouais held in Montebello and Le Sommet ÉVO 2023 held in Wakefield.

2. Reimagining development beyond growth. 

Sustainable development requires consideration for alternatives to traditional growth-centric views. This can help us ensure that current needs are met without compromising future generations. The new urbanization plan is a tool, but it requires strategic vision to guide its use.

3. Citizen engagement in sustainable urbanization.

Citizen involvement is a critical part of shaping sustainable urban development and can look like participating in council discussions and getting involved in community projects, like the community garden initiative and Conservation Cantley. Citizen engagement ensures that the Mayor and councillors hear the voices of the citizens in addition to those of local developers.


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